Federal Principal Investigators (PI) Information for Developing Small Business Plans (SBP)
Any Federal Contract in excess of $700,000 must include a Small Business Plan unless exempt due to the of nature of the contract and as specified in the contract.
Click on the "Basics of a Subcontracting Plan" developed by the DoD which includes FAR references, regarding:
- Regulatory Requirements
- When it is required, Who should use them, When is it not required
- Types of subcontracting plans
- Mandatory Elements Included in Subcontracting Plan
- Categories Includes in Goals of a Subcontracting Plan
Purchasing Services contacts for PIs
Purchasing Services will assist you in developing the SBP:
- Contact Services Sourcing Officer by emailing Purchasing Services or call 615-936-7894.
SBP Template
Some Federal Contracts will provide their template to use to develop the SBP: when one is not provided, please use this template.
Small Business and Certified Approved Supplier Directory for Contract and Grants
Purchasing Services has a Small Business Approved Supplier List to use. All suppliers on this list are registered with the Small Business Administration and therefore properly vetted for your use. This list will continue to expand. Suppliers not listed should not be used without approval from the appropriate Sourcing Officer.
Pricing Assistance
If you need detailed pricing information in your SBP, please contact the appropriate sales person for each supplier, as listed on the Approved Supplier List. If assistance is needed, please contact the appropriate Sourcing Officer.
Monitoring Requirements
The Principal Investigators are responsible for the continued monitoring of what was budgeted on the SBP versus what is actually spent - in other words, the progress of the SBP. At least annually or quarterly the PI must compare what was put in the proposal to what is actually being spent.
If the amounts in the SBP are not met, the Government could require Vanderbilt to return/refund the full amount of the Contract.
If it´s determined the original goals on the SBP will not be met, contact GCM or Sponsored Research to work with them on submitting a revised Plan as soon as possible.
Required Tracking and Reporting
The actual amount spent on Grants and Contracts Management (GCM) SBP contracts is tracked though the Finance Department which submits the necessary files to the government for the entire amount spent on a Federal contract including the amount spent on Small Businesses. If necessary, they will contact the PI if they can not determine the supplier´s size/status.
For Contracts through Sponsored Research, Grants and Contracts Accounting (GCA) submits the necessary files to the Government. Responsibility for utilizing the suppliers on the SBP resides with the PI.
Resource Links for PIs:
- Starbrite - Regulations relating to all medical services and research, federally funded grants, and scientific integrity can be obtained by calling 615-343-2777
- Office of Research Compliance - Regulations relating to all medical services and research, federally funded grants, and scientific integrity can be obtained by calling 615-343-2777
Other Useful Links:
- Small Business Administration (SBA)
- SBA Pro-Net/Central Contractor Registrations
- SBA Sub-Net
- SBA Size Standards
- Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
- FAR Supplements
- Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Circular A-110
- Office of Naval Research
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Excluded Parties Listing System (Debarred Supplier Information)
- Department of Defense SBA Program
Be familiar with Regulations:
- Integrated Acquisitions Environment (IAE)
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
Link to Agency supplemental Regulations
http://www.regulations.gov - Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap - Business Gateway Initiative (legal/regulatory info)
http://www.business.gov - SBA Small Business Training Network (free courses)
FAQ for PIs:
1. When are Small Business Plans (SBPs) required?
Any Federal contract in excess of $650,000 must have a SBP unless exempt due to the of nature of the contract and as specified in the contract. -
2. What form do I use to develop the SBP?
Some Federal contracts will provide their template to use. If one is not provided, please use this template. -
3. In Purchasing Services, who could assist in developing the SBP?
For proposals going through Sponsored Research, contact Maggie Robinson. -
4. What suppliers could be used for the SBP?
Purchasing Services has an Approved Supplier List to use. This list will continue to expand. Suppliers not listed should not be used without approval from the appropriate Sourcing Officer. -
5. If detailed pricing information is required in the SBP, how is that obtained?
The Approved Supplier List contains contact information for the appropriate sales person. Please contact the supplier for pricing information. If assistance is needed, please contact the appropriate Sourcing Officer -
6. Who is responsible for monitoring what was budgeted on the SBP versus what is actually spent?
The PI must continue to monitor the progress of what was put in the proposal to what is actually being spent. -
7. What happens if the amounts in the SBP are not met?
The Government could require Vanderbilt to return/refund the full amount of the contract. -
8. How is the actual amount spent on the SBP tracked?
For contracts though the OGCM the Finance Department submits the necessary files to the Government for the entire amount spent on a Federal Contract including the amount spent on Small Businesses. If necessary, they will contact the PI if they can not determine the supplier's size/status.
For contracts through Sponsored Research, Grants & Contracts Accounting (GCA) submits the necessary files to the Government. Responsibility for utilizing the suppliers on the SBP resides with the PI. -
9. What if it's determined the original goals on the SBP will not be met?
Contact the OGCM or Sponsored Research to work with them on submitting a revised Plan.